Thank you for your interest in Under a Warm Green Linden and Green Linden Press. We are currently reading submissions in the following categories:
- Proposals for the Essential Voices Editorial Fellowship
- Interviews with poets and reviews of poetry books are read and published year-round
Sign up for our newsletter for updates about the following:
- The Wishing Jewel Prize for poetic innovation
- The Stephen Mitchell Prize for excellence in translation
- The Green Linden Chapbook Series
- Under a Warm Green Linden, our digital journal
The Essential Voices Anthology Series has at its heart the ancient idea that poetry can reveal our shared humanity. It intends to make less insular the various poetries of the world and to correct misrepresentations and misunderstandings in the broader culture. In other words, to go where the silence is and let the poets speak. We believe that a good anthology not only captures the zeitgeist, it can help shape it. When we look at the etymology of the word "essential," we see that the Latin essentia means "being." It is in this spirit of shared being that we publish these books.
The Essential Voices Editorial Fellowship gives an editor the resources and assistance to bring an anthology into the world. Green Linden Press intends to tailor the Fellowship to the editor of the selected project: so previous editorial experience is not required, and those with editorial experience are encouraged to apply:
- The Fellowship awards $2500 and publication in the Essential Voices Anthology Series.
- Instructions are included in the form, but we will put them here as well for convenience:
- You will be asked to provide a biographical statement (up to 150 words).
- You will also be asked to provide a proposal for an anthology (up to 750 words) that describes the book you imagine editing. Would it be, for example, about a specific geography, demographic, or circumstance? Would it be work in translation from a specific language? Would it be, for example, about specific subjects or themes? How do you see it aligning with the intentions of the Essential Voices Series?
- As part of the proposal, you will be asked to provide a sample list of poets you would like to include (you won't need permission from poets or publishers at this time).
- Lastly, you will be asked to list anthologies that have been published on this subject, theme, etc.
- Green Linden Press intends to publish one proposed anthology from this submission period; however, we reserve the right to decline all proposals if we feel that none align with the intentions of the Series. Interested editors are encouraged to see the two previous anthologies in the Series: Essential Voices: Poetry of Iran and Its Diaspora and Essential Queer Voices of U.S. Poetry.
- The Editorial Fellow will be selected by Christopher Nelson, the editor of Green Linden Press, in consultation (if necessary) with our advisory board of poets.
- Submitters to Green Linden Press agree to receive updates about future publications and submission opportunities. You can unsubscribe at any time.
- Send comments or questions to greenlindenpress at gmail dot com.
- There is no fee to apply.
- Deadline: July 1.
Under a Warm Green Linden publishes reviews of poetry and interviews with established and emerging poets that deepen, illuminate, and complicate an understanding of their work. We are interested in excellent poetry of all subjects and styles by a diversity of authors.
• We prefer reviews of forthcoming or recently published books of poetry or older books that warrant being newly considered.
• We prefer interviews and reviews that are at least 800 words.
• We do not consider reviews of self-published books or books of genres other than poetry.
• Reviewers and interviewers of accepted pieces will be featured in our contributors section.
• Simultaneous submissions are allowed but discouraged; we respond within three weeks.
• Please note that this call for reviews and interviews is not a request to send manuscripts for us to review.
• Submitters to Under a Warm Green Linden agree to receive updates about future publications and submission opportunities. You can unsubscribe at any time.
• Questions or comments: contact Christopher Nelson at greenlindenpress at gmail dot com.